Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blip Nation Interview: Meet Mammara

Blipper since: 21 August, 2008

"I'd like to be Tom Waits, at least for a week."

Pete Dulin: What part of the world do you live in?

Mammara: Teramo, una tranquilla cittadina in Italia Centrale, sul lato orientale.

Teramo, a quiet and small town in central Italy, on the east side.

Dulin: Since you began blipping, have you had any experiences that surprised you? Please explain.

Mammara: Tutta l'esperienza di Blip.FM è stata una continua sorpresa, dopo aver iniziato quasi per caso. L'avere migliaia di ascoltatori dopo pochi mesi, lo scoprire fratelli e sorelle in musica sparsi per tutto il pianeta, il piacere di poter mettere la musica più strana e sconosciuta che mi passava per la testa e trovare sempre e comunque qualcuno che l'apprezzava.

My whole experience on Blip.FM has been full of surprises, after I started by chance. To have thousands of listeners in a few months, to find brothers and sisters in music all over the planet, the pleasure to put in the most strang and unknown music that comes in my mind, and finding always someone who likes it.

Dulin: What would you change about Blip.FM to make it better?

Mammara: Non ci ho mai pensato troppo, ma cercherei di fare in modo da aumentare l'interazione tra i dj e di avere la possibilità di conoscere meglio chi blippa, senza snaturare troppo un servizio che funziona già molto bene.

I never thought much about it, but i'd try to add the interplay between DJs and have the opportunity to know better who blips, whitout perverting the nature of a service that works very well.

Dulin: If you could blip one song that could reach everyone on the planet, what would you choose?

Mammara: Potrei stare ore a pensare a quale scegliere, ti dico la prima che mi viene in mente: Dolphins di Fred Neil, nella versione di Tim Buckley.

I could stand hours thinking about it, so I say the first that comes to mind: Fred Neil's "Dolphins" in the Tim Buckley version.

Dulin: What is the earliest age that you can remember listening to music? What artists/bands did
you like in your youth?

Mammara: Le mie prime memorie musicali sono in bianco e nero. Le sigle dei programmi della Tv dei ragazzi (con canzoni di Beatles e Procol Harum), il pop italiano degli shows del sabato sera dei tardi '60 di Mina, Modugno, Celentano. A 10 anni ho cominciato a comprare i singoli della hit parade. A 14 ho comprato il primo LP, Harvest di Neil Young, poi mi sono buttato sul progressive rock. A 18 anni sono stato folgorato sulla via dei Joy Division.

My first musical memories are in black and white. TV for kids' themes (with songs of Beatles and Procol Harum), the Italian pop of the Saturday shows in the late Sixties of Mina, Modugno, Celentano. I started to buy the Hit Parade singles at 10-years-old. At 14, I bought my first LP, Neil Young's Harvest, then I launched into progressive rock. At 18, I've been flashed on the way to Joy Division.

Dulin: What artists are you excited about for 2011?

Mammara: Sono eccitato da quello che non conosco. Nel 2010 ho scoperto decine di nuovi gruppi formidabili, mi aspetto di fare lo stesso nel 2011.

I'm excited about what I don't know yet. In 2010, I discovered dozens of new fantastic bands and I expect to do the same in 2011.

Dulin: What song or lyric do you wish you would have written? Why?

Mammara: Una qualsiasi del Tom Waits di Swordfishtrombones e Rain Dogs, diciamo "Soldier's Thing." Perchè? Perchè non mi dispiacerebbe affatto essere Tom Waits, almeno per una settimana.

Any one written by Tom Waits for Swordfishtrombones and Rain Dogs, let's say "Soldier's Thing." Why? Because I'd like to be Tom Waits, at least for a week.

Dulin: What musician, singer, or band would you most like to meet? Why?

Mammara: Robert Wyatt. Un genio della musica, un formidabile cantante e un amabile essere umano.

Robert Wyatt. A musical genius, a formidable singer and a lovely human being.

Dulin: If you have a wife, girlfriend, partner, or significant other, do you have a special song that makes you think of them and a moment in your life? Tell us about the song, the moment, and person.

Mammara: Il mio rapporto con la mia persona speciale è segnato dalla musica dei tardi anni 80, specialmente shoegaze e l'indiepop di Creation e Sarah Records. Se ne devo scegliere una dico If You Need Someone dei Field Mice.

The relation with my special person is marked by the music of the late 80s, especially shoegaze and the indiepop of Creation and Sarah Records. If I must choose one, I say "If You Need Someone" by Field Mice.

Dulin: Do you play any instruments? If so, what? If not, then what would you like to learn how to

Mammara: Non sono capace di suonare nessun strumento. Mi piacerebbe saper suonare uno strumento a corda, adoro in particolare il suono del violoncello.

I'm unable to play any instrument. I'd like to be able to play strings instruments, i adore especially the sound of the cello.

Dulin: Imagine you are on a reality show where you must sing karaoke to an audience of friends and family. The prize is $1 million (US) that you can keep or donate to charity. What song would you sing?

Mammara: Sono stonato come una campana. Se costretto canterei qualcosa di semplice e divertente, magari "Obladi Oblada" dei Beatles. Dubito che vincerei.

I sing atrociously. If forced, I could sing a simple and funny song, like "Obladi Oblada" by The Beatles. I'm doubtful I could win.

Dulin: What song reminds you of being in love? Of being heartbroken?

Mammara: Centinaia, ma una su tutte: There is a light that never goes out degli Smiths, con parole come "if a ten-ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side well, the pleasure and privilege is mine."

Hundreds, but one above all: "There is a Light That Never Goes Out" by The Smiths, with lyrics such as "If a ten-ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side well, the pleasure and privilege is mine."

Dulin: What Italian recording artists (singer, musician, band) in any genre should the rest of the world know more about?

Mammara: Ce ne sono molti, e io ogni tanto cerco di farli conoscere su Blip. Potrei dire: Paolo Conte e la sua miscela unica di melodia italiana e memorie di swing e vecchio jazz; gli Area, grande fusione di prog, jazz e world music, con un incredibile cantante, Demetrio Stratos; l'indie pop malinconico e sognante dei Perturbazione.

There are a lot, and I sometimes try to let them know on Blip.FM. I could say: Paolo Conte and his unique blend of Italian melody and swing and old jazz memories; Area, a great fusion of prog, jazz and world music; the melancholic and dreamy indie pop of Perturbazione.

Dulin: Think of another Blip.FM DJ. You don’t have to reveal who it is. What question would you most like to ask him or her?

Mammara: Perchè sei persa nello spazio, cadetta? Torna! Mi manchi.

Why are you lost in the space, cadet? Come back! I miss you.

Dulin: Any other thoughts to share?

Mammara: Come diceva il grande Alex Chilton " Thank you friends, wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you".

As the great Alex Chilton said, "Thank you friends, wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you".

Pete Dulin is the co-publisher and editor of and writes freelance for magazines, websites, and newspapers. Always looking for the next great song, he can be found in the Blip Nation at He unleashes profound non sequiturs at and publishes creative work at

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